"On the wonderful second day of Waterstart, we started off with some dive book work. One group learned the basics of scuba diving with Dready, while the others learned about diving related injuries such as DCI, Nitrogen Narcosis, Oxygen Toxicity, and Air Contamination with Graham. The students with Graham learned that although these injuries are uncommon if proper tables are adhered to, it's important to know what the various injuries are and how to prevent them. After that, they learned about the RDP
and went through a number of practice problems in preparation for their PADI Open Water Final Exam on Thursday. Two lucky students who aren't diving this week got the opportunity to learn about plastics with JP, and would later lead a plastics transect on the beach.
The students did a great job in the classroom all morning, and were eager to suit up and head out to Cooper's Island. 4 beginner students first took to the water with JP and were able to have their first breaths underwater. Kimone noted that "SCUBA diving is AWESOME!"
During a plastics transect on the beach led by Kit Kat and Kyesja, students found a ton of plastics due to the prevailing winds over the past few days. As Dylan noted, "we picked up a toilet seat!" and we found many other large pieces of plastic as well.
Many other students were able to get into the water for a SCUBA review with Dready and Graham. Everybody did a great job, and seemed extremely comfortable in the water. We're all looking forward to continuing with the diving and exploring over the rest of the week!"
- Graham Peigh
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